Personal Reflection
Date: 31/August/2012
I have to say, this journey
of exploring technology it has been an astonishing experience for me. When I think for a
moment, I have come to recognize the importance role of technology and influence
in our lives. Just thinking back in history in how technology did not exists but people still survive; but having the thought of living without it, it is almost
impossible. In this modern world most children will experience a huge amount of
technologies as a part of their everyday living routine. (Authur, Beecher,
Death, Docket & Farmer, 2008)
It is actually remarkable and at the same
time frightening to see how much today’s world dependent on technology. This
course really teaches the truth of what technology means, from a ballpoint and paper to
an iphone, digital camera, and laptop. The essential core is the learning
amount that fit in between for our children which is completely interesting and
exciting. This course has given me such valuable and wonderful opportunities for
new discovery. This includes being aware that not only can adults acquire
understanding about technology but they can also learn about it while increasing the
skills to use it confidently. Having and gaining this knowledge and skills are crucial
in terms of my role as an early childhood teacher. This has made me realize my
responsibility in helping and ensuring active learning takes place for children
in this technological modern world of today.
This have been a challenging,
interesting, and frustrating experience with technology while doing this blog
assignment, it really enforced me to evaluate and transform my thinking and
practice to this idea of technology even though I did not have much knowledge
of it at all. This experience was a eye opening for me and made me realizing the significance
and the use of technology in the early childhood context as a valuable, open
ended resource in terms of upholding children’s learning. Technology is an
amazing tool in the early childhood setting for it allows teachers to basically
adjust the programme in order to meet the needs of the children. (Smorti, 1999)
This technological journey,
it has made me so excited towards gaining of new knowledge on technology not
only for the children but it applies to my personal live. Often, I didn't really have an interest in wanting to use the latest technology for example ipad because I would feel shame of not knowing how to use it or incase I'll brake it. It takes me a while to discover how to use it and though it was a
stressful experience I’ve now officially have a blog page!!!!
Through this process of adapting and
finding my own way there has been some difficult moments for me but I have to
say, I wasn’t alone. This is something that I’ve found that inspired me how our class work in unity by sharing knowledge and skills to help out one
another. The best part that I really
enjoy was getting others perspectives and we were able to discovered technology
together through our learning process with the children. I found these feedback really helpful me and be able to
reflect on my practice and potentially take in new ideas for next time.
Overall, this course has help me
gain more knowledge and understanding about technology. I now realize the significance of technology to children and adults in our everyday living. The truth
is in reality, we do interact with technology on daily basis in unquestionable,
which control the learning needs and hopes of the generation we are teaching. My personal philosophy is to make a difference and if technology is what it
takes to make that change I’m will do my best to make it happen. I
would like to finish of with what Smorti (2009) says “technology is about helping
people and solve problem” (p. 5)
Arthur, L., Beecher, B.,
Death, E., Dockett, S., & Farmer, S. (2008). Programming and planning in
early childhood settings (4th ed). Melbourne, Australia: Gengage
Smorti, S. (1999) Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, 19, 5-10.
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